Can you really make money with world ventures

Can you really make money with world ventures

By: Gudzon Date of post: 03.07.2017

Ramit walks you through a system for identifying hobbies that make money, how to turn them into a business, and package your hobby for an audience. Look, I get it. At first, the idea of coming up with an entire business idea may seem incredibly daunting — but it becomes much easier when you start to look at your hobbies; hobbies that can make money. Each of these ventures started out as a hobby — whether it was training cats or playing music — and grew into a solid business that now generates tons of revenue.

The process can be simplified even more if you utilize SYSTEMS. And below is the start of the system we used to find six-figure businesses for thousands of students. With freelancing, you can start earning money immediately by rapidly testing your offerings and cutting through unnecessary work of productizing and increasing your salary.

Or if you get busy in other areas of your life, you can scale back. How do you distill your passions and hobbies into marketable skills? Now, what do you know — and know well? Write down a list of 10 of these skills. Just try and get 10 skills down. Like many of us, I know how to use YouTubeFacebookand Instagram. So during college, I was able to turn those social media skills into consulting gigs with multiple venture capital firms who wanted to learn how young people were using consumer services on the web.

This consisted of me giving them a course each week on a different topic such as online music, videos, and social networks. Would you have ever thought you could turn your basic everyday skills — like social media — into a consulting gig? They wanted to understand how young people were using technologies so they could remain sharp investors. You have to be able to PACKAGE your knowledge into something your clients can recognize as valuable. I originally started IWT as a one-hour free course that I taught at Stanford.

It was never designed to make money, it was just something I was good at and wanted to do. My friends used to complain all the time about money in the dining hall. Over the next year-and-a-half, I struggled to have anyone show up. After trying all kinds of strategies to get people to attend, including emailing them to coordinate times, I switched approaches.

Instead of in-person events, I launched the website you see now. That way, people could read it out of the comfort of their own dorm rooms. Eventually, I realized that I could offer courses of my lessons and philosophies on personal finance and reach even MORE people. Not only that, but people would be willing to PAY me to teach them. Later, I learned why this was so successful: What are their fears?

What do they care about the most? The way you approach your client and the way in which you sell your product matters. This question actually comes courtesy of my friend Ben Casnocha.

If you were stuck in a room with a person for 3 hours, what could you talk about with them the entire time? To find out more on finding the perfect online business idea, check out my Ultimate Guide to Starting an Online Business. One of my former students, Brian, LOVED filmmaking — but halfway through film school, he realized that he had no idea how he could turn his hobby into a business. He knew a lot about the technical and artistic aspects of making movies, but not much about how to market those skills.

So he decided to invest in himself by joining Earn1Kmy course on freelancing and earning money on the side. By the third week of Earn1KBrian had distilled his hobby down to a marketable product: He also set two goals:. I saw that I was giving people valuable material. That meant a lot. They really wanted what I was offering. Brian minimized his risk by proving the validity of his idea before investing a lot of money into it.

He also knows how to turn his hobby into a skill he can market. My clients appreciate that, and it makes it simpler for me. Brian was able to take his passion — filmmaking — and niche it down into a specific marketable skill ie high-end wedding videos.

For now, I want you to know that YES — you have passions and experiences in you that people will pay for. To be honest, I did that with IWT at first, so I know. But if you can spend a little time planning — and still continue executing — you can save hundreds of hours of missteps. If you want to start freelancing because you want to earn extra money, identify a profitable market first then adapt your services to it. However, if you want to freelance because you want to take your passions and turn them into a side income, first create your services that are based on your passions, then identify a profitable market.

His first goal, then, is to generate income. As a simple rule of thumb, he should figure out the most profitable market that matches with his skills and pursue it relentlessly. Jack is a customer-support rep for his fulltime job, so he looks outside to the market to see where he can generate income with his skills.

He reads lots of mid-size bloggers, and he realizes they might need help editing their email newsletters such as IWT. He gets in touch about a paid freelance job. Since Jack cares about generating income first, and his passions second, he simply found an easy market that would help him earn more immediately.

By contrast, Mary is passionate about jewelry. She feels like she has a lot to teach other women about accessorizing the right way. Since she already knows she wants to earn income in the jewelry field, she spends her time researching different services she can offer and create that people will pay for. Will she help jewelry makers appear at trunk shows? Will she be the trusted jewelry specialist who delivers to high-end clients? Or can she be a jewelry specialist who handles return or customer-service calls?

Whenever possible, start with your goals, then let the tactics How should I reach customers? How much should I charge? What software should I use? So now you have your list of hobbies and skills. What does a good communicator mean to you, anyway?

Remember Brian the filmmaker? He was able to take his broad passion of filmmaking and niche it down to producing high-end wedding videos. I took my skills in personal finance and niched it down to provide personal finance advice and courses through IWT. Do that with each of the items on your list.

You see, I want to make it easy for you to learn how to turn your hobbies into successful businesses. Get ready to learn the exact beginning-to-end system I use to run a successful online business and make money online.

Are you ready to go from no idea to a recurring revenue stream? No games, no B.

can you really make money with world ventures

When you sign up, we'll keep you posted with a few emails per week. I Will Teach You To Be Rich is packed with tips that actually work. Ultimate Guide to Making Money. Ultimate Guide to Personal Finance: Money Management Made Simple.

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How to get out of debt fast. Why am I so damn lazy? And how do I stop being lazy? Today, I'm thrilled to unveil a free page ebook for anyone who wants to recession-proof their career. If you're a recent college graduate, you're probably struggling with finding a decent job in Thanks a lot for the last post.

It was quite thorough and provides examples that are simple to follow because they are specific and detailed. Found a tiny error: That has lead me to think more deeply about other unknown skills everyone have, eg, setting up electronical devices, or how to find things on the internet. Very nice and valid points.

One technique I use — after identifying the money making skills is to run a blog and talk about it. In fact, most of my top clients are gained through my blog. Ramit, Very nicely written, and some great thoughts on really taking this to the next level! What I thought was especially great is real examples of how putting freelancing to work can be be don. Ramit, I have been following your blog for few weeks now. But on earning more money, I still have nor clue neither the will or courage to take the first step despite I have been reading books and websites on personal financial for few years.

Thank you for your great work here. I signed up at Earn1K — How do I sign up for your other entrepreneurial or Earn More Money virtual communities? Freelancers need to provide valuable results. If your customers are buying your services to make more money, you need a product that will help them to make more money. If you are a freelance writer, you need to think about how much extra money you are helping that site owner make. If he make great money from his site, chances are your articles will make him more money than a site owner who is not making much.

Therefore, the successful site owner will pay you more money. Your business needs to dutt forex software download the right fit for him. Your services need to provide results, not just work.

If the road is not well-traveled, many people a afraid to take it. Thanks for helping show people that there are other options out there. The step-by-step thought process of how to break down skills that the process engineer already has was particularly helpful.

Thanks for your constant honesty … looking forward to future posts in the series. I can organize, design, and help you implement systems that work with how you live your life. These can be business systems, financial, or communications e-mail.

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What is the right camera for you to do video blogging with. I think I would also add in support as a value added service. I think this includes the specificity that the first one lacks. I will certainly use these tactics to break down my skills and identify market can you really make money with world ventures. You did mention walking dogs and hammering nails into walls.

Jobs done at the end of a wire can be done anywhere in the world. People in other countries may charge a lot less for a job, too. When you discuss money you ignore taxes and other realities. Where can you get such a return today? I and every other one of your readers would like to now. First there is FICA. Then there are state and local income taxes.

You may also have expenses associated with ythe production of your new income. You could easily end up with five or six hundred dollars instead of a thousand. Second, cite the statute and implementing Federal regulation verifying your claims regarding Federal taxation, absent both you are just parroting nonsense and following the herd and not the actual law. This is the most thoughtful and helpful post I have ever read.

Thanks for giving me a direction. They think they have to sell people the forest, but the trees are more valuable and adaptable. I like the social media bit—reminds me of the job I got during school I suppose you could call it freelancing with school as my full time job…I just called it under the table income from a part time job. I have a nagging fear of the section where you talk about finance people.

Most employers in that arena seem to have a contract clause relating to outside business ventures or at least those that are in exactly the same line of work…so valuing companies is out for ibankers and helping with business plans is out for consultants. Most of these companies could care less if you spend some of your free time selling jewelry or running a company that designs murder mystery themed corporate events but I would be careful about unintended consequences in your real job.

My mom fell into freelancing almost by accident. To slow the working from home data entry glasgow on their savings, Mom took a job at a local tourist shop. Especially cookies, and decorating them. Eventually Mom started taking custom cookie orders from coworkers and people she knew.

I designed a business card for her and she started distributing them ebay on stock market for beginners pdf the orders. But she has customers who option strategies losing moneycontrol like 7 or 8 degrees of separation now from her original customers. I can already tell that breaking down my talents and comparing them to my goals is going to really help me zone in on my potential money avatrade binary options opportunities.

I have a feeling this post is going to become a go-to guide for me.

Lots of good info. Do you need someone to freelance for you by making your looooooong blog posts into shorter ones? Insightful, direct, and no-nonsense as always. Excuses are comforting, accountability is intimidating. What can I do?

Thanks for this great post. Very thorough step by step approach. One question I hope you can help address is that some of us are working for large companies that signed non-compete clauses in our employment agreement.

If we have patents pending with the company, can we use the patented knowledge to solve different problems in similar areas? Ramit, your point that there is no easy, customized recipe is so true. I was just thinking about that this morning from the context of coaching. You definitely make a good point about the portfolio too. For example, I could easily take on your sysadmin role.

Tweaking and refining can be done over time. There are really easy markets to tweak our skills in and provide a solution. I went for this first; and really thankful for positive results today. Thanks for these insights! This is a great post. In addition to an individual using these techniques to earn more on the side, companies can look into their employees hobbies and other skills to find additional revenue streams. This is why Google encourages their employees to spend time on stock market eastman kodak projects.

Great post, but man! There is a lot going on here. One thing that could help is transforming this into a flow chart. I am a visual learner myself and I understand that you material is very good and valuable, but comprehending it to the fullest is a different story. I used graphs and charts to lay out complex concepts when studying for my CPA exam. I finish university in the summer and I hope to set something up on graduation while travelling.

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Anything more than that and I think we might loose our focus. Hi Ramit, I loved your book and am just getting into the blog. This post was great- I am right in the middle of establishing my freelance business- private bartending and a blog on bartending that I will monetize in the future.

This post gave me lots of new ideas. There is something there. Turn off your Ad Blocker and I bet it works. Thanks Ramit for the tip.

I just picked up a project matching a solution for a friend and my skills. He runs a website design company for small business in a very niche market. They will be content with their current job situation, I know from experience. This seems like a great start. How to turn your skills into services that people will pay for I Will Teach Yo…FINCH:: Fresh Creative10 Musts for Marketing trading momentum indicators Women on […].

I think that there are some additional benefits to having another income stream. When you increase your income each month, you also will become more focused on the things that matter naturally.

Your time is more valuable because your leisure time is cut. And when you do earn more money, you can include this when you apply for a promotion.

I have one friend that used the income from both of her jobs to justify a higher rate when she went accepted a promotion at another company. I also wanted to mention that while I completely appreciate the entrepreneurial spirit that this blog takes, if you are in the category of people who want to earn more for the sake of more money, you can also go for highly-paid part-time work.

You are providing some very valuable content for your readers. I graduated from college and started my first business at That was almost 20 years ago. Finding ways of making money has always been easy for me. Ideas are never the issue. Time and execution are. I now have a successful and established company that I am focused on, but I definitely started at the bottom.

China foreign exchange trade system wikipedia are some of the crazy things I have average daily range indicator mt4 download to earn money that anyone can do: I had my own garage sale the next weekend and earned a few hundred dollars a week doing this.

The above three were done before the advent of the internet and craigslist! Now it would be totally easy. The key is to be flexible, creative, and to just try things. Fear of failure or maybe even fear of success….

I have been following your blog for the past year and half. Although I live in India and some of your ideas may not be can you really make money with world ventures here, I still like your work. Thanks for posting out such an awesome post. I will apply your concepts in the Indian context and will post my results in the coming weeks. First off…I would like to say, that this is one of the best post I have read in years that actually brings a process to turing your skill sets into income.

I can tell that you have been through the process yourself through your writing. You bring science to the art of trying to figure out what you are good at and how it can be used to generate income.

Is the office hour video up on ustream? Really helpful post and Office Hours chat, Ramit! Thanks to you I am making progress getting my freelancing idea from the mushy nonspecifc stage to a level where I can make some money from it. I am currently trying to get out of my regular jail, and the tips, structure set-up and advice you have given are totally priceless. That was a bit harsh. Failing to budget for your tax liabilities is an easy way to turn extra income into a problem rather than a benefit.

I am an occasional reader of your blog Ramit. I did exactly what you recommended… a few days ago. I edit ESL student papers for extra income.

In university, I was always great at writing and editing essays. I also tutor students in a wide array of subjects and hold English conversation sessions. None of my friends who are equally qualified if not more qualified have even considered trying any of these! Liset You can use Readability http: By lower rungs, I mean right on up to middle management.

People of my generation were taught to present ourselves as obedient souls with skills that could be put to use by someone else without our asking too many questions. Usually this involves them making more money, saving money, or saving time. I kind of hope that by writing this comment I am committing myself to something I wanted to do for at least a year now, but never got round to doing it.

But as of yesterday, I started taking action, not on the business idea, but started with your 30 day challenge, and called my bank and insurance company. And it rings very true, take it to heart before we move […]. Yes Mary you are quite right about all the things you have mentioned. I understand your problem and I have a little business solution for you that is tax free and will make you an excellent income.

How does 18 year contracts grab you Mary and some instances 22 years.

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The government will actually become a personal collector for you and your new found income will not be income that has to be spent from your clients but will automatically be deducted from their paycheck for a total 18 year contract. Downside is that it will take 9 months to initiate the first of potential income plus this opportunity will require good health and good looks plus a touch of seduction.

Are you sure your up for this? Find a rich Bastard let him make you pregnant. Carry the pregnancy to term, Have nothing to do with the guy and than get the Government to work for you collecting the owed to you child support. Another alternative is to perhaps start yourself a business on the side doing part time work but instead of letting the government take all your money away in taxes and self employment taxes expand your business by investing that money into your business and deducting those expenses to become even bigger.

Now you can become full time self employed and perhaps buy or lease a car for the business if needed and deduct that. Plus you can deduct expenses of part of your house if used for your business. Example If you drive a junker car and for the business you find that you are doing more driving than perhaps you can get a nicer car and deduct it for your business expenses and pay for your personal usage and guess what your new side business is helping you move up in life by having the nicer car.

Just an exaggerated example. Your point though about taxes is correct and keep that in mind when voting. How to turn your skills into services that people will pay for […].

I am a long-time reader, first-time poster. I am newly married and looking forward to buyer our first house and taking advantage of the tax credit. I essentially live in excel for my job building models and doing analysis. You mentioned that there are people like you that HATE excel and would pay for the skill. Are you, or anyone you know, looking for someone to help with Excel models and analysis?

Once again very easy to understand and implement. Many gurus give us theory but here you are once again with actual steps we can implement.

Of course, both the page and the service will […]. First and foremost, one thing that would have saved a great deal of time, costs nothing to implement, and can be done by anyone: Specifically, talk to those who would potentially buy your services. What about a combat veteran what kind if side jobs are out there for us expert marksman explosive expert route clearance machine gunner.

Thank you for your posts and for all the free advice you offer! I found it extremely helpful and ecouraging! When deciding which shoes to put Add Height inserts in, you need to adopt an approach that includes both fashion and function. These are some very useful tips. I like the way you describe the most common mistakes people make when trying to earn some money on the side.

What kind of payment services do you use for accepting payments for your work? Does anyone know if this works well? Thanks for your submission. Another item is that being a photographer involves not only trouble in capturing award-winning photographs but in addition hardships in getting the best digital camera suited to your requirements and most especially hardships in maintaining the grade of your camera.

That is very correct and apparent for those photographers that are in to capturing this nature's captivating scenes — the mountains, the forests, the particular wild or the seas. Going to these adventurous places certainly requires a camera that can meet the wild's harsh setting.

Enter Your Comment Here. Take our short quiz and get a custom report based on your unique strengths. Discover the subtle psychological triggers that landed me a job offer from Google You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience. New to the site? How to turn your hobbies into services that make you money Ramit walks you through a system for identifying hobbies that make money, how to turn them into a business, and package your hobby for an audience.

What is your earning potential? Choose the answer you agree with the most If I work hard, I can always earn more money. I am not in full control of how much money I make. Get my free minute video and see how you can create a successful online business jQuery document. Roth of Get Rich Slowly Learn More. Blog Post Case Study: Blog Post New ebook: Recession-Proof Your Career Today, I'm thrilled to unveil a free page ebook for anyone who wants to recession-proof their career.

Hello Ramit, Thanks a lot for the last post. Hope I will shoot you a success e-mail in the next year! March 21, Thank you for your excellent content!!! Ramit, Do you want my first born daughter now or later? Take a look below and see if I am thinking right on this: On this one, I think I need to be more specific or nichey. I can fix small business computer problems, website, or blog problems. Am I heading in the right direction with these?

I would be really interested in speaking with you about the services you offer. You may also have expenses associated with this new income. Where do I start?

First of all what taxes are you talking about? Nice outline of how to go from a worker mindset to taking ownership of your skills. You really spent some time on this one, eh? I rearranged my schedule and can make the web cast. Thanks for the great info though, Jarred. Amazing post—am bookmarking it, and I never use bookmarks. Get the essentials up, and launch. It is totally possible turning skills into services that people will pay for.

For flowcharts, sign up at Earn1k. Look forward to reading more of your posts. Lxmorj, There is something there. Very useful as well as motivating. But so much the better, makes it that much easier to get started for the rest. Hi Ramit, I just want to thank you fot this amazing information, it really inspire me! The question I want to figure out is: The plan to begin emitting signal to target audience is in process.

What are the best strategies to lift my signal out of the noise? Research, yes; finding out what people want, yes; using networks, yes; trial and error, yes. And then… bite your nails, and wait, and keep trying? Just some thoughts, B.

I did the marketing. I wish everyone the best of luck! Hi Ramit, I have been following your blog for the past year and half. Wishing you the very best in life! Yo—just got back from the Office Hours vidchat. Also Ramit is a hoot. Not to sound like my grandma or anything. Excellent, I look forward to your extended post. Hi Ramit, I want to print some of your articles, but there is no printer-friendly version available?

Connecticut Energy News Board. Ramit, A truly wonderful read! And of course I pay for these things as well. Wonder if you have any comment about that. Thanks for a great post, Ramit! Anyway, I will keep you updated on my business idea, I know I can do this! I think I will reread this from time to time. EastZoneSoupCube - Querbeet sieben. Thanks for your great blog! The Importance of Being Grateful. Barbara Saunders — so true! Noah — sent you an email. Life Maximization Consulting Service Updated.

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