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By: mabrok Date of post: 24.06.2017

Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me. The entire family eventually got into Scientology and moved to England to pursue courses and so David could become an auditor. After returning to the US, David got close to Scientology founder L.

But eventually, as Ron describes in his book, he became disaffected with Scientology under the dictatorial rule of his son, and in March he and his wife Becky Bigelow escaped from a compound near Hemet, California. After that escape, Ron learned that his son had assigned private investigators to follow him, and David also instructed his sisters, Denise and Lori, to cut off ties with their father. Ron instead blames his deceased first wife and L. Ron Hubbard for making Dave aggressive and a complainer.

Petersburg Times to interview to paint a glowing portrait of Dave and his upbringing. But it turned out that Ron was often not around his son, and had little access to insider information. He and co-writer Dan Koon also repeatedly praised Scientology founder L. In particular, Rathbun denounced Scientology leader David Miscavige daily, and as a result Rathbun soon became the focus of a campaign of retaliation by the church with a group of private investigators and other operatives that lasted for at least five years.

And anyone who stood in its way, Scientology wanted dealt with brutally. So it was something journalists often raised with Rathbun and that Theroux makes a central focus of his movie: InMonique, who had never been a member of the Church of Scientology, filed suit against Miscavige and the church, and we watched closely as the harassment lawsuit moved through the courts, resulting in a couple of very favorable rulings. But this January, Monique suddenly fired her entire legal team and, a few months later, withdrew from the lawsuit.

Naturally, many of our readers wondered if a settlement had been reached between the Rathbuns and the church. But their former attorneys — who would still be entitled to a percentage of any settlement — were unaware that any deal had been reached. And Marty himself, at his blog, said that there was no settlement. Just wanted to point out something that we remembered after finishing the post. But in the only other case of Scientology PIs coming forward with details about their work, Paul Marrick and Greg Arnold who were originally hired by Marty told us personally that they had, in fact, heard directly from Miscavige on the telephone, asking about their daily work following Pat Broeker.

So, two sets of private eyes have come forward in the history of Scientology post-Hubbard, and each of them say they heard directly from Miscavige on the phone with instructions. Posted by Tony Ortega on September 1, at E-mail tips and story ideas to tonyo94 AT gmail DOT com or follow us on Twitter. We post behind-the-scenes updates at our Facebook author page. After every new story we send out an alert to our e-mail list and our FB page.

Our book, The Unbreakable Miss Lovely: How the Church of Scientology tried to destroy Paulette Cooperis on sale at Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions. Reader Sookie put together a complete index. Learn about Scientology with our numerous series with experts…. Claire Headley and Bruce Hines train us as Scientologists GETTING OUR ETHICS IN: Historian Jon Atack discusses key Scientology concepts.

In some pictures, he reminds me so much of Bill Murray. I could barely concentrate on what he was saying when I watched his deposition video because the likeness was freaking me out. Have you seen this movie?

Bill is great in it. A bunch of skits like this with celebs playing themselves. You know, It is not easy when the former number two guy and the media is no longer paying attention to you or seeking your advice on the subject of Scientology, instead they are going to other people for information about Scientology. That is what totally bugs him and what puts the Oracle over the cliff LOL. You nailed it, Kim. When people want indepth information, they call Tony Ortega.

And when they want straight talk from an ex-insider, they call Mike Rinder. Coventry City not Portsmouth. It will be all the more fascinating now knowing that Marty is now defending David. After the film is released Louis is doing a talking tour. Film released on the 8th…. Ill be seeing him on stage on the 22nd ish.

But we want a totally detailed review. Just for fun, completely free to play. Planning to draft Wednesday evening. Make an account on ESPN. Still gauging interest at this point, but we have enough to play. Fantasy baseball is like a part time job. I am very peppy. There is no way he can go back to CoS and still save face, as he has already burnt that bridge.

Someone has posted dozens of photos: Well there were a few caretakers, so I waited until they were away for a few hours and had me a little look. These are the photos I took. Well, I think the decay shows up pretty good, but some of these decks were far more dangerous than they look. A lot of the work on the place is real shonky, none of the floors are really flat, and there is so much rot.

Like I was supposed to be when I talked about another cult here. I wish only the best for him. Robinson Crusoe is the only one who could have everything done by Friday. All the sand they trucked in a few years ago to replenish the beach is gone. Just heard that there is a tornado happening a few miles away. And may not tomorrow, either. Be safe and careful. Not for a Cat 1, not where I live. We are expecting 2 to 6 feet of storm surge, but are not in the path of the worst of the winds. They will hit our state capital around midnight, and hopefully sweep away much of the current adminstration.

I have no wish to relive my previous experiences with hurricanes. What part of town are you in? Be safe out there! My dad lives in New Port Richey… I think its pretty close to Flag. I hope everyone stays safe overnight. Except a few empty buildings…. My daughter has her first paper due for high school.

Shame on you, Marty Rathbun. No wonder you stopped Monique from talking with me. No wonder you still clearly side scientology, the same church you recently decried only to turn tail and run back to it.

You have done so much wrong to so many people over the years that it cannot be counted. Those people are scattered around the world and I have heard their stories over the years, all of them wondering at one point whether you might come clean and help answer their questions. No wonder you have once again run away. You are utterly unable to confront what you have done. I hope some day you can. There will inevitably be an apoplectic and vainglorious response from Marty to all of these comments, including the brilliant one you just posted.

Thanks for that, Mrs. Marty has been trading on the fact that his name is on a very short list of people who have inhabited the very highest levels. Hope everything is well for you and yours. David Mayo, Gerry Armstrong, etc. Anyone who was an enemy while he was in is still an enemy to him, but anyone who left after he did is cool.

Your points are spot on. We are fine; I hope the same for you and yours. Dont forget that Mike Rinder is as guilty as Marty for the Jerry Armstrong stuff. Both of them could make 1 guys life so much better if they admitted their actions, even if they thought and perhaps still do think it was justified.

Marty replied with a pretty snide and insulting reply to him. Is there somewhere that I can read up on the current state of affairs with that situation? I dont think Gerry has said much more since the Annoymous conferences Flag Down i think that were held.

I am quite sure Gerry is still wanted by US authorities so he wont be rushing to a court suing either of them. Saw Going Clear about 3 times, but FINALLY reading the book…and the full details of your experience.

WOW is pretty much all I can say right now. Hana, my feeling is he never left. To me, it looks like his proxy suit was a attempt to create case law favorable for Scientology.

When that failed, it was mysteriously dropped. Scientology has sued its own covert operatives at least one prior time to set legal case law precedents in their favor. I wondered about that when he started to back slide. Is it his ego that he may not feel like he is in the spotlight enough as an expert or paid enough. I notice his old buddy Marty Rinder is getting more airtime. I wondered if his ego had anything to do with him suddenly doing a We are all curious to know if he has gone back,or just really never left.

But he married another wife so,it would be beyond bizarre to do that if he had never left. I thought he was having a breakdown or it was his ego.

He still has a pretty big ego. He needs to say he is sorry to his victims. You are a voice I would listen to and believe without question. I have so much respect for you. But I had to open my big mouth today. Good Lord I was ready to send the Red Cross out searching for you! So glad to see you. Oh OPEN your big mouth anytime. Smoochie, woochie, smoochie, blah, kiss, mwahhhhh!

God, I almost feel like some kind of stranger here. Good thing I found my BABY! This guy literally walked around with his stupid Banana Hammock with White Tennis shoes and socks. And he looked like a Gym Rat who had horrible Plastic Surgery.

The one in the yellow. Lol Lynette — I so know what you mean! Baby is the little spitfire rock for so many of us here! Which means you must be good-people too! Besides, Baby was the life of the party at the very first one, everyone kept saying!

So glad to meet ya on here!

So, my age is showing too. That just made me like you even more! Happy Birthday Lovely — just think fine wine, like fine wine! What Baby said below… Seconded!

You were one of the first stories I read in depth about and came away with SO much respect for how you persevered. Hearing your viewpoint solidifies what has been my gut feeling watching all of this. Thank you for being willing to say something and for being so direct! My thoughts and prayers are always with you and yours! Was all you have said exposing the serious Abuses of David Miscavige just made up? Marty Would have been screwed. So they even got to you?? You even let me write the facts behind All the lies.

PLEASE WAKE THE FUCK UP!! Please re-consider who you are dealing with. If you are laughing at this, listen as I whisper: You have sold out your son, your wife And yourself, TOTALLY. I hope you are ok. Followed you for years. Ben worried about you. Has he gone back to Scientology. So many people are asking what has happened to him to change so dramatically. We are depending on ex scientologists to explain what is happening.

Why has he done this. What does he think about Rathbun doing these things. And has he gone back to Scientology or had a nervous breakdown. Marty could do a lot of good if he camme clean about the stuff he did. Yes there could be penalties law but the good he could do to people by telling the whole truth would potentially do so much good it should be worth the personal risk for Marty.

Such a shame that both Mike Rinder and he dont come clean on the bad stuff in public with full apologies. I am sure most people would accept this and not want to pursue it further e. Yes, shame on you Marty Rathbun. How much did you get in exchange for your soul…and for all the lives you devastated and destroyed for the sake of an evil vicious cult …including destroying mine? Was it worth it? Your information helps me to understand who Marty Rathbun really is.

His guru persona has convinced some people that he is a philosopher trying to find truth, much like the facade Hubbard himself used. I thank you for speaking out. Thank you for your comment concerning crimes still being relevant regarding Scientology. So I never went there. Real people got hurt by other real people. Those who have lived through it, remained strong, positive and have the courage to put you stories out there to help and encourage.

Thank you so much. Your words mean the world to me. Blogging was very new to me although I have written all my life. So I wrote him privately for awhile until he rightly threw me onto his blog. Yes I lived through hell and am still riding the wave with two cancers very strongly connected to SO.

I realized that if I could tell what happened to me the good the bad and the ugly it might help someone else.

So I started out there. Thank you angel,Love Laughter and Light keep me here. So many wonderful comments and amazing posters. We, who support those of you leaving the cult are totally dumbfounded at what he is doing. So am I to understand that you think he has gone back. I am so glad we have you to navigate us through this. Did Marty have a breakdown or miss the power he once wielded. People are dying to know what has happened to him. Counterfeit Dreams by Jefferson Hawkins September 5,Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher.

Thats odd behavior considering how aggressive the character assassination of them was by the Scientologists refuse to call them a church.

Delivering Scientology mumbo jumbo outside of the boundaries of the group? Not seemingly, Monique dropped the lawsuit only after publicly trashing and terminating her legal team. It was big news. You missed all the drama! Well… clearly not all. I dunno where you would begin to catch up, maybe with the part when Monique dumped her legal team.

Those filings were shocking at the time, especially since Ray and the rest were doing so well. So I just have to be snarky: Well, Marty got the Bunker stirred up today. How is this for a random theory? Right after the suit was withdrawn I thought I read somewhere that Marty said there was no settlement, he was just withdrawing the suit because the purpose for the suit was fulfilled.

Long and hard have I contemplated this, possibly I have a conceivable answer: Monique started the suit because of the harassment. Not to punish Scientology, not to expose their crimes, just to get them and their surveillance cameras out of her face. Such is her right. We heard early on that Marty was teaching Monique how to do Indy Scientology. And they seem to have had a cottage practice doing sessions for escaped members.

This is what normally happens, someone will escape Scientology but still be a true believer for a short or long time. They may dabble in Indieville or just drop out. Sometimes you meet a former SO member who smiles and acts like an exe but is really working for OSA to get back in.

It takes a long time and some hard study with the Jon Atack and Russell Miller books to really break the stranglehold of the Scientology mindset. If Marty is really breaking free, he could have either made a deal with Dave or simply made it obvious that he was no longer doing the squirrel cottage industry. At that point the PIS pack up there camo kits and leave, the Rathbuns are no longer in their cross hairs, and Marty drops the suit. No monetary settlement that the lawyers could sue for but the situation is resolved.

Just a theory and I have no inside knowledge but it could make sense. But David Miscavige has kept up perpetual surveillance of many people who had completely left Scientology behind and had no thought of squirreling or speaking out. Like Pat Broeker, Janis and Paul Grady, Mark Fisher, Ron Miscavige Sr. A very snarky, inimical, ruinous, trans-atlantic, anti-scientology CULT.

I think there is little question at this point about what has happened with the Rathbun vs. Clearly Rathbun is championing for Miscavige in this latest post. The comments section is even more disturbing. Is Marty just sitting in a dark room …reading all of these comments …. Marty does crazy just fine all by himself thank you very much. He does it on the blog with his poor thesaurus and in private with.

Everyone is home and safe and we still have power for the mo. Wow, WFTS says Marshall St wastewater treatment plant has failed, raw sewage pouring into Clearwater streets, gushing up through flooded-out manholes.

Only a matter of time. The Ft H and Super Power are on the highest ground around. I think the Bay News 9 guys are a little punchy. But my friends in SPB, TI, Mad Beach and PAG were down. I stepped away from Scientology aroundbut for years and years thought that the Church was clearing the planet and… well making the world a better place.

My instructor said we could choose any as our topic but NOT Scientology. Right now I want to be brief in order to bring up another point. His book included many websites that got me started. I discovered Operation Clambake, Ex-Scientologist Message Board….

It was the member comments that made me most alarmed. Yet, I kept reading, and reading. I eventually realized Tony backs his Blog posts with documents, interviews and contributed writings from experts, references, cross references, etc.

There is a difference between an educated professional journalist and a wacky interesting guy with a following who can spin words. Karen posted on one of the ESMB threads a while back. Nothing negative directly about Marty staying out of the fray and line of fire but she has stated in the past that he helped her in a tight situation I believe regarding her son while he was still in and was an incredible support when she lost Alexander.

I rarely have something worthwhile to post about scientology as I am still very newborn at sci-watching. The opinionsthe detail and the discection of his every word and nuance has been a thing of beauty to watch. Marty is a case study in brain turmoil or maybe the direct opposite.

I have yet to decide. He proves that letting scientologists be scientologists is the best advertisement for our little cult. His blog is a blatantly ego drivenself-aggrandizing, hot mess to everyone but an active scientologist.

How is it possible that these freaks get power in this day and age. Man, you said that so well. If a year and a half of being consumed with it is what you mean. But, it certainly is a thing of beauty. And obviously, so does our Dear Mr. Then it got odd so I checked it out periodically but it stopped being interesting when it turned into the pre-I-hate-all-things-Bunker-related iteration, then his Rue period started.

I wish I could figure out how to put food on the table with my story, but for now I work a and poke my uninvited head into conversations where I think I can offer some helpful, if unsolicited insight. Just going to look for other jobs locally and maybe in Vegas.

As you wish, my dear. I was sorta pumped that you might be close-ish and I could beetle down, hit up TKTS and catch a Broadway matinee with you. I think your helpful unsolicited insight is priceless. You are one of a kind. Want more… you look like you want more. Have some more flak. I like to be helpful. If football related violence among those two fan bases in particular amounted to anything remotely felonious, our already overcrowded prisons would be in some deep shit.

Hard time in the big house? I think it would have been more like walking away with a bloody nose. For real, those two teams in particular. Next time they play each other, they ought to have Free Tomahawk or Bayonet Night for the first 85, fans. An hour after kickoff, the Air Force could fly over and deal with the debris. From personal experience living here in LA: Raiders fans are the worst. I would never go to a Raiders game here in LA, Santa Clara, Oakland or San Diego.

They are saying the team might move to Vegas Lord help us all if they do because the 15 will never be the same again. Do you remember a couple years back when they canceled the Battle of the Bay because I think someone got stabbed in the Niners stadium? No the Niners and the Raiders used to play each other once a year during Preseason.

They cancelled the recurring game after someone got stabbed in the stadium. There are longtime Sea Org members that are less beaten down inside than those fans. Raider Nation is reminiscent of the Mad Max universe for a reason. From growing up in DC, I can vouch for the Eagles fans being the worst that back East has to offer. Its one of the few examples I can think of when the truth is actually much worse than the myth: The old joke used to be that there is a jail in the Eagles stadium.

Actually, all NFL stadiums have some sort of detention facility though the Eagles were the first. The Philly stadium, however, has a courtroom complete with bail bondsmen and a magistrate so you can cop to your assault charge and not miss the 4th quarter!

That should be right up his alley. Books like that make Scientologists feel more self-important and victimized, simultaneously. Well, that explains everything! So I reread the entire blog post and have a couple opinions. David Miscavige or an agent of his did or they fed Marty or another ghost writer phrases or notes to compose that from.

Marty uses more obscure words. The fixed words here are in a style Miscavige often uses. The words are always precise and full of implications. Miscavige loves to use words that are loaded and to repeat his points in slightly varied ways.

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Miscavige also is careful to have every accusation against himself be either unproven, false or justified. Nothing stated definitely and clearly is negative about him without being negated in some way.

Everything positive said about Miscavige is stated as definite fact. Everything about the anti Scientology movement is negative and stated for all of us. Marty uses projection at the end to condemn the ad hominem attacks he uses and condemnation of an entire group. Scientology has long used this propaganda technique.

They did it in the infamous video where they show Sea Org facilities and no Sea Org members to imply a pleasant existence then condemned the movie Going Clear for showing ants forex trade pivot points a wall instead of interviewing Sea Org members.

My conclusion is Marty Rathbun is totally compromised and completely turned. Maybe Dan Sherman will write his blog now. At this point, anyone who talks to Marty and trusts him to be discreet is a fool.

Why would they want to fool everyone? They could how much money does lebron james make a year including endorsements come up with any number stories for why Marty would erase his posts. Hearing one person say the opposite of what they previously said can be annoying and confusing and the average person tends to not want to dive into rabbit holes that seem uncomfortable and difficult to follow.

To keep people confused, derailed, fighting and guessing. Taking sides, hurting feelings and never talking again. Weird that Marty only has 45 comments on his article.

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Maybe the men in the white coats finally took her away. Yep, and it was great also! Meant to mention it. I always am surprised when a Bunker poster gets through. 1961 shake your money maker elmore james mp3 45 comments are amazing. What a snapshot of current variations on entanglement with the Cherch. See his previous post for an example. How to make money on domain parking sycophants have taken her place in the meantime.

So I guess prospective posters there have learned their forex market def in conformity. You can take the boy out of the cult; but can you take the cult out of the boy? As someone who professes such spirituality and fairness Rathburn is curiously fond of making boundaries between people.

Everybody is wrong except Marty, David is wrong, Ron is wrong, the church is wrong, the Bunker is wrong, all the critics are world stock market performance ytd, except Marty.

I think his service fac is acting up. Rinder has, for years now, unequivocally fessed up about his own prior misdeeds and posted on a daily basis on the side of truth.

Marty has done exactly the opposite and only supported that which feeds his obvious malignant narcissistic personality disorder. My wish is that today is the last time Marty Rathbun warrants the attention of Tony and the good-minded people of the Bunker. And that Monique has already put her son in his car seat and fled permanently. I can agree that he has been an unwavering, reliable consistent source of information, and assistance is earnest money refundable in ohio many leaving, left or questioning how to leave.

I enjoy the rinder blog, his wit and his keeping to a simple agenda: I hope sincerely option strategies losing moneycontrol someday he will be reunited with his adult children. What a good post to read. I did not what is limit price in stock market know Mike when I was in and I did not know of him until just a few years ago on his blog.

He has shown me that change is inevitable if I want to progress on my path,in other words I am not the same person I was when I blew the SO. I hope to keep climbing higher and I still feel badly about regging in the SO. It was a tough tightrope to Thurs at 2: Mike is a kind and good soul who has seen the dark side too. I join with you in wishing a reunion with his adult children and other family members.

Congratulations on your freedom and new life, Ann. You have my heart. I have enjoyed your posts so much too and I want to climb higher. Trade binary options in belarus help me, but I just do SO LOVE that Rinder laugh and entirely new attitude.

I am loving those Terra Cognita posts. They really tell it all in terms of life at ground level in the clampire. Many people have speculated that is the case. I myself think it is the only logical answer to this weird abrupt turn about. I also use the word logical laughingly because this is scientology. The poster Once Born has a really good post on this in the am. Ok I may regret this later but let me say this about that.

I am not making an argument about MARTY I am making an argument for what he said about Ron and Ruthless. I think Marty breakdown is pretty accurate. Hold on, let me finish before everyone decides the throw me overboard.

Here is how I see it. People from abusive homes are statistically more likely to themselves become abusers. That is just science. Excel option call americaine admits he beat DM and his mother, but claims ZERO responsibility for how DM turned out.

That was all Scientology, and LRH, but Scientology and LRH are wonderful because they helped me to stop beating my wife, but they turned DM evil. The fastest way to make money in runescape 2016 between Ruthless and Troublemaker?

Leah owns her faults. She fesses up to a bunch of shit right at the beginning and tells all the shit she did without sugar questions to ask when choosing a stockbroker it or justifying it. She admits to disconnecting from friends. For reporting on them and all of that.

Ron was very good at riding the DM iron butterfly spread strategy. In return he got lavish gifts Like DM got and a lot of perks. When the perks ran out, he Ron ran away. So he wrote a book. Does he have a story to tell? Does Ron have the right to tell his story? But tell the real story. And that is a hard pill to swallow. Hell I have been working on my own book for over a year now. And it is HARD.

Do I really want all that out there? Will it help someone? Will I make a bajillion dollars and get a book deal from a publisher? I am not famous. I am not related to the Hubbards or Miscaviges. Even when you are the bad guy. You have to learn your lesson from the shit you do, and be a better person. That is what I have tried to do. That is why I spoke out in the first place. To tell the truth. Other wise why they hell is anyone talking about Scientology at all?

And in true bunker assiniboia livestock auction market report, they are for the exact same reasons you state: Of course you can have it buy disney characters stockings christmas ways!

Scientology cured DM so he could beat people like he was taught, unencumbered by epilepsy. I read the book and I what I took away from it was that he just had enough of the insanity and left for the same reasons everyone else who left did, he just had enough. Ruthless is my least favorite Scientology related book for many reasons. However, the way Marty criticizes it makes Marty sound like a slighted, vindictive ex-girlfriend. Remember the onion story?

It was defo a bunker discussion, that he could just walk in and take something that no other SO member would think of doing. Yes, obviously those are lame compared to what others were subjected to, which makes him a cry baby so idk I forget my point. Yeah, he got perks. Wait… what were we not talking about? Nora, holy poopies, you are awesome.

I agree with you completely. You are also one HELL of a strong lady. In fact, truth be told, I watch so many interviews and clips now, Tony Ortega actually made a swashbuckling appearance in my dream two nights ago. No Tony, if perhaps you read this, I am not a stalker…unless you want me to be…wink, wink… heehee….

From that TV interview…I saw David Miscavige. But I watch Ron Sr. Funny thing is, while learning and reading all of this, I found out that one of the EARLIEST Philadelphia-area SCI centers was right here in my neighborhood, literally 3 blocks away in Ardmore, PA.

PS — Am I stupid to be using my real name here? I can not add much to what you know except that the first Org in Ardmore was on the second floor of a building on maybe Cricket Avenue or Rittenhouse Place near the corner with the Pike. I can say that with full confidence because I was the 6 year action forex newsletter who scrubbed the baseboards so my parents, aunt and uncle could paint them to get them ready to be offices and classrooms.

I spent a lot of Saturdays cleaning those rooms. Read enough excerpts from all of them. I am a little stuck up. A badly written book that is thrown together and disjointed …. There are very, very lump sum investment options uk stories that I really would even give a shit about hearing.

Please keep making the effort …i have a feeling that i would not how to make money with cannon runescape disappointed. The way I see it is that all of the people involved must take responsibility for their own actions. Ron should have remorse for treating his family the glenfield model 60 aftermarket parts he did.

David Miscavige should also take responsibility for his own actions.

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It is entirely possible for someone to grow up in a very very abusive environment and yet turn out to be great human being who does not abuse others. I am sorry the process is so difficult emotionally, but I am so glad you are writing a book.

You are so good at relating your story and your raw honesty is compelling. John Duignan writes in his review of Ruthless…. It was a ridiculously regimented, sweat shop existence. We were ruled by bullying, fear and terror. We were trapped by poverty and ignorance. But even within that system it is possible to take a stand, to right some wrongs. Where was Ron when his Granddaughter, Jenna, was going through hell, not being allowed to see her parents, often for stretches of a year or more?

Where was he when his son, Ron junior, was battling the terror little David unleashed on the Sea Org crew in ? He, the father of the Ruler, being treated like regular crew. He lacks the self-awareness to see that he was in fact privileged. He was treated with kid gloves. I remember the exhortation, passed on to us by the Commanding Officer of Gold, Ron Norton. He sees fit to remain miffed on being chewed out by the Gold Base Motor Pool guys for parking his car in their repair lot.

I saw that review and thought he was speaking what a lot of exes may be feeling after rg krishnan stock market analysis that softball of a book!

I thought of Jenna a lot and wondered why so little was mentioned of what she went through and his having recognized that later…. The mortal sin is that Ron Sr. He offered his stamp of approval in the Spirit of Magnanimous Volunteerism though he readily admits his make money origami rose was to destroy the whole effort!

How dare a peon like Ron Miscavige and a po-dunk backwater offline data entry jobs from home in ahmedabad like St. Nora — You hit the nail on the head! As a parent and never-in, I was bothered by his lack of responsibility for anything.

Never having experienced anything close to the SO, just hearing stories from others, it felt like he was detached and felt entitled even STILL to such better treatment than most others on the base. PS Nora — Stock broker courses philippines much respect for all you are going through to get your story out.

That takes self reflection, honesty and taking responsibility. Ron made it pretty clear that he wrote his book because Denise and Lori disconnected from him. So when you say, Ron actually wrote his book because he ran out of the money DM gave him, can you cite anything that confirms that?

Marty questioned the accuracy of the stories Ron wrote about what was happening in Scientology not what was happening to Ron in his personal life, as you have. Let me tell should i buy aquarius platinum shares how typical that is of people who complain about news stories or books. He made every positive statement about Miscavige definite, clear and certain.

The words chosen are consistent with press releases from Scientology. Many examples are there. Marty Rathbun normally uses a different vocabulary with more exotic terms to seem intelligent.

He usually makes a conscious effort to use words his audience will need to look up. There are stories that he could have told. I would have far more respect for him and this book if he had owned it. That would have been something to read.

A father reflecting on his mistakes and how he witnessed what he started with DM bloom into the horror show that it is today and how he would perhaps do something about it. Maybe take responsibility for in part giving birth to one of the most sadistic cult leaders in modern history. Disconnection is terrible and should be abolished. What I said is my assumption of what has gone on for Ron. I was perfectly fine with him getting ANY amount of money and living out his life in peace.

Personally I think anyone who has survived the Sea Org deserves all that and more. Scientology losing its tax exempt status and fading into obscurity. I know that will rattle the indies cages and that is fine. I am willing to debate every single point of Scientology with anyone, any time, any where. Which is to strip Scientology of their Tax Exempt status and remove RELIGION from their name.

That has to be the end game. And I think it can be accomplished. There is so much truth out there, so many stories that if the WHOLE truth is out there, then it will prevail.

I look forward to sending you a copy of my book when it is finished. I hope you are taking good care of yourself through the book process. If it gets too much, take a break. On the other hand, this may be something you have to power through to get it over with. Best wishes to you either way, dear Nora. She kinda knew or shoulda knew he was a hot mess when she met him.

I think Marty just does what is best for Marty now. It is kind of a bummer as I know he how to add drop down menu in excel sheet have done a lot of damage to fake church if he wanted to, but he has chosen a different path.

Not too late to tune in! Here is Vanity Fair review: I think many of you already know that, as a Doctor, I truly cannot count the number of times I have offered free of charge fact-checking of various manuscripts. Particularly authoritative, not merely somewhat authoritative. Like, super big fun time authoritative. More than other people and everything. Just how some people can ignore me, I cannot fathom. Did you get my letters? I still have a really cool sailor suit with ribbons and medals and stuff.

I am a Trained Engineer in Aquatic Theory in relationship to Utilitarian Container Manufacturing. I have given many Workshops to thousands and my reputation is stellar. I have graciously offered my services to many in my field, yet they have dismissed me. Let me tell you I offered a once in a lifetime training process and was rebuked. People always amaze me with their ignorance. Uh oh, to WHOM do I turn?

Holy Hell, is anyone else watching this doc on CNN? Who could follow a guy who wears only a Speedo, white socks and loafers? That would have been my FIRST clue.

WHO CARES WHO YOU WANT TO SLEEP WITH??? But this is the SAME thing that Marshall Applewhite did. Pasted link 2x and it disappears? Here is 3 https: I noticed that too — no Oracle… She was all over the last one. Adding to the weirdness is Marty is actually posting comments instead of censoring them Who knows, maybe he is censoring, but he has posted the two I submitted.

He is waiting for all to digest and comment before Oracle makes her presence. He did that before. His next piece will be about all of us again. And the Oracle…crazy crazy crazy. The first time for me was when Simpson-Killer, Nancy Cart-WRONG, tried to defend this nonsense.

I was only 6 when Watergate was the THANG, but I would say I missed that. Geesh, I love you all you fellow wackos so friggin much! DOES TONY ORTEGA EVER JOIN IN? But Tony sometimes reads these, right? Although, with what he is able to crank out every morning…HOW THE HELL WOULD HE HAVE THE TIME?

Ortega…if by SOME chance you see this…you have reminded me why I went the way I went in the first place smoochies, woochies, smoochies, etc etc etc…. You only pretend to smoke to look cool in front of your baby friends.

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Tony has said he reads all the posts but says he pays more attention to the serious posts even just to get ideas for more stories. He will interact and clear up some misconceptions if we have misread or misunderstood what he is writing about. A hilarious out take of the first annual meeting of the bunkers is Tony saying he reads more posts from the information nerds and teased Baby about her stories.

He will get glimpses of things he says but quick way to get money on animal crossing ds my great annoyance will not gossip. He is a serious journalist. You can sense his empathy from the questions he asks and the occasional eye roll. He will not interfere with our disputes and usually explains or not.

I am no special authority but I feel talkative tonight. If I am wrong about all this he will correct me probably. He does not need sleep. I have told you to pay attention. We have a Huge lake behind the Bunker. Where do you think we take the Trolls? I really should listen.

You have to put f The last time I went camping I ended up in a hotel. You know the one with the porch swing in front. I stole it from the Bunker. I forgot from who. Every once in a while I listen. Someone at work called me kitten one day, I liked it so much I named my big German Shepherd Kitty. I spent an hour looking for them on my head. I like to think these little disturbances are as a result of my chronic insomnia or misspent youth.

Disqus just pulled up your profile, and I just read this out of context. Things were not at all what I hoped for. There are some growths on her spine and in her lungs. Today was long and tough. Tomorrow is going to be hard for her too, lung biopsy and radiation on the nodules on the spine. Say prayers for me and my Mom okay? Oh manI complety thought she david icke how much money does he make having sciatic pain.

That is a really rough diagnosis. Prayers on the way. Your life has been so awful this year. Please keep me informed. RL sucks Let me know if you want my E-mail address. I am having a really hard time talking about it. I have such a sensitive tear reflex. She already knows this, but it always feels selfish. Emotional stability is not a strong point at this time! I would be more worried if you were not teary most of the time.

No one going through what you are is emotionally stable. I will let you cue me when you want or need whitecap resources inc stock price. I certainly understand the need to not want to talk about it. I often isolate when going through something, so the fact that you are here interacting with others is a good thing.

I will continue with my prayers and thoughts. I am sorry you are going through this Beauty. Big girl panties is becoming my mantra! Tony is here, working, every day. AGAIN, THIS IS WHY HE IS MY MODERN-DAY HERO. Just saw a great comment way down thread that contained this sentence, I have to share.

Hoping, of course, that the weather in Clearwater will what to buy shares in gta up a few at the. Good lord you guys.

I swear I have to take a Cleared Word course. I know, it 24hr binary option with nadex the highlight of my day. I love Hana, she was the perfect example of a beautiful, smart young girl that Hubbard knew he could con with his bullshit. She had planned on going to medical school until he talked her into joining his cult. He took advantage of her eagerness to currency trading islamic finance something great and make a difference in the world.

I get mad whenever I think about it. At least she did do something great, she helps people realize how deceived they were and helps them recover. I had a teeny.

I realize that Being a Scientologist and an Ex comes with Baggage. You are dealing with very complex issues. Especially with his childhood background added to the mix and his Schizophrenic brother. I know others feel the guilt and sorrow that they have placed on others while in Scientology. I was a big supporter of Marty when he first started his blog. I was happy that he was out. I thought him introducing the Indie movement to several would be a great TEMPORARY transitional point for them.

I just added it in my memory. Everything I hated about Scientology appeared to be defined by Marty. I mean Monique is a beautiful strong woman. The words that I have heard about the critics. Tony and others from Marty and his Cadre absolutely can NOT be rationalized away. They were vile attacks. The Consequence Degradation did not fit the crime of Tony reporting that Rathbuns have dropped the case and fired their lawyers? Marty has many amends to make.

HE may claim that he is not a Scientologist, but he has the Valence of a Scientologist. He Attacks like an Attack Dog. I have compassion for Broken People. But he as a Broken person Broke others. None of us do, but I too used to give Marty the benefit of the doubt until I really realized that he carried out the malignant intent of Hubbard and Miscavige. I believe that redemption is possible, but very rare indeed. It happens — but not as often as we would like to think. Most people take that wrong turning and never look back.

Tells it like it is with no lingering malignant snarkiness. Buddhafielders were sometimes ordered to maintain ostensible friendships with these people to keep tabs on them, should anyone choose to contact the authorities. Cults are always a bad thing and none of them come to a happy end, but at least this one had a whole lot more fun, ate a lot better and did a whole lot of yoga, dance and meditation….

The one I saw portrayed a sickeningly malignant narcissist who used his skills in hypnosis to make young, unsuspecting, naive boys his sex slaves and everyone else his life attendants. Nothing fun or benign about that. The film maker and his two sisters were involved with the cult for a long time and when they got out and began to decompress, part of that process was to get to the point where they could laugh at themselves and each other, instead of being buried in the blame, recrimination and loss that acts like gravity on many when they leave a cult.

So, sorry if that caused offense. Make that at least 2 forced abortions by the same woman. She got pregnant then Master tells her to terminate so she does. Then she gets pregnant again by a guy in Buddhafield thinking this baby will be okay with Master, but Master tells her to terminate again. Hope this is this the right place to pitch my tent. Is this the Anti-Scientology camp? You guys can do weird ballet and song in the woods,Baby and I will bein the bar around the corner.

Yes, I only say this because I am enjoying this delicious snark that is happening in his latest series while he is translating academia for us. Where do credulous morons end and smart people getting pulled into [high-control groups] begin? I would say the dividing line between the two is the ability to write an intelligent book review as opposed to an asinine and petulant rant. Well IMO a cult is a cult is a cult….

The majority of cult leaders are also sexual abusers, so the Holy Hell leader did not disappoint in that arena, unfortunately. The clues are all there, innit? My absolutely favorite character. My daughter and granddaughter AND I. I think it is asking too much for morons to also be credulous. Is it not sufficient to simply allow them to be morons? No difference except the holy hell peeps were better looking than Scientologists.

Mark Rathbun needs to get a life. Because what he has now is like Mark is just trolling now out there in the Van Allen Radiation Belt figuratively speaking of being not much of anything, not doing much of anything, a man with little if any consequence. Mark could go on and be a good dad and husband; apologize to the thousands of people he harmed; write a few fiction books, make a living, support his family and.

After he apologizes for his horrific acts to individuals by name. I have still got the policy manual and will bring it back in the morning, sorry for the inconvenience. You can NOT read it without completing the training steps because you will die of the Plague that has not been seen since the Middle Ages.

Unlike those incredibly right-thinking people at that other blogI prefer to have others do my thinking and book reviews for me. This frees me to conduct my irrational single narrative rampage in order to create entheta and besmirch the sterling repute of David Miscavige. I will prepare the Manuscript for you and send it by bike messenger. I await my copy of the anti-scientology agenda with the same eagerness I once awaited OT3.

I hope I shall be just as thrilled to discover that the anti-scientologists are also secretly connected to an alien overlord and a diabolical plot to enslave planets and civilizations.

OMG you are funny. Seems to do very well at it. Vance Woodward — you are not alone in being punished by the pro business juice stiff system:. Goodnight to all…a parting gift. Something is going on with her. Seriously she is only Where is the Love is The ones with these dudes and Christenson is a redo. Marty was never a leading light in the Scientology critic arena. He was always viewed with some suspicion. Some calling for a full confession, others prepared to watch him evolve into a more decent human being.

He was however, a leading light to a handful of Indies. He seems to believe thatunder proper control, he can deliver a serious blow to the community of critics. They are also, apparently, followed obsessively by Miscavige. While Miscavige is playing with Marty, the collapse in CofS recruitment is ignored. Organisational resources that could be used to address that existential threat have been wasted on a personal vendetta against a bit player.

Do any doubters need anymore proof that Marty has made a deal with DM? DM wanted more, he wanted Marty to repudiate his past statements and start kissing his ass and defending him publicly. He wanted Marty to shit on everyone who once supported him. After his last chimp out I thought he might go dark for awhile. Marty is shitting on former friends now. Funny, there were a few people who gave very loud warnings about Marty the first year he was speaking publicly and they got shushed and criticized.

Marty never gave the critic community anything but careful lips ervice and some back up on already aired facts and stories. He NEVER gave the name, date and places of all the shit he has seen over the years. I mentioned this when the lawsuit was dropped Max. But what we can see is a change in lifestyle……. Do people have no obvious means of support no job yet manage to live a comfortable life? All these things draw attention. Pablo Escobar told everyone he made his money by owning a taxi company.

Walter White had gambling winnings. And now both are dead. At least we think Walter is dead……. What I DO know is throughout history, the cover up is what gets people into trouble.

History is full of examples of people getting in more trouble for the cover up than the actual crime. Will that be the case here? We can only wait and see. Time has a way of catching up to people. She is over at ESMB. They have an entire forum put together about Marty. I go over to lurk. I take some info put it in my brain. Tony and his Crew HATE Bunnyskull. OMG I meant Marty not Tony.

About Ruthless— I took it out of the library. But I then spoke to a friend who had known him, and my friend said Ron Miscavige was a good guy. The same friend, when I told him years ago that Rathbun had surfaced did not speak well of him, implying that his actions would be very calculated and not always what they seemed to be. After a few years, I forgave Marty Rathbun his role in Scientology.

But I spoke to a person last year who has been a key person in the critical movement who was messed around by Marty Rathbun. He still loathes the man and for good reasons.

As in so many good stories the character is cheered one day, despised the next, pitied soon after that, then hated and back and forth. I predict that there will be another article that describes MR accurately which will give us yet another impression of him.

There are times when I try not to evaluate people yet I am still glad that they live far, far away from me. You know what I mean? There has been a good exchange of opinion here. It is good to hear from you and I hope all is well. I just wanted to say hi to you! I am telling you Baby,there are some mighty erratic magnetic triggers,spinning anything to do with me on blogs around in circles.

However I have an Ace hidden away. I can be very stubborn and determined well pig headed really when my back is up against a wall. So I keep sending out waves of light laughter and love. That is part of what has kept me slightly sane lol through all the trials in my life.

And Mike sure can out snark all comers and he does it with that Aussie charm too. I love his Aussie Charm. Just a really nice guy. We have before us one such entangled dramatis personae, drawn as if from those pages and made flesh in our short play.

Lonely, on a darkened and echoing stage he catches the spotlight of his past for our illumination. The man, his name not important, perhaps even lost to history, cradles the mind that lead him to this dilemma in the very hands that crafted it. Searing memories fence with uncertain futures, the weight of them shaping his slumped shoulders and bent spine.

Long ago a child. Long ago abused perhaps. Long ago caught between the urge to give up, the urge to fight back, the urge to prove the insults and insulters wrong he blindly, unknowingly, mapped his future.

Perhaps there was no other path open, perhaps it was bad choices. Helpless to fight the illness and dysfunction of family, he could at least play sports. He could study, until the empty place within him left him no peace.

The years he nursed hope he could do something, anything, to make it different, make it not be. The dreams of being a doctor, to heal. Of being a warrior, to fight back. Of being a hero, if only for that one crucial moment that would forever change the arc he walks to the grave. Not, perhaps, to be blamed for not seeing the false history guilded with lies. But certainly to be at the least the recipient of some small measure of compassion, for there, but for the grace of of whatever gods there be, go we.

Snapping with desperate hunger at the promise of mental health and ability and power our subject took the proffered hook and its bait of hope. A hope that lead him deeper into the maze constructed by the conman, a confusion that masqueraded as wellbeing, a dependency labeled as freedom. Long years passed as his former life receded. As the camaraderie of the fooled soothed his pain.

As the rising status in the maze pasted over the empty places in his soul. He began to exult in his position, his power over others, his access to secrets. The petty godhood of being a chief fool to the fooled, the warrior fighting with all his youthful yearning to win battles born of lies.

Yes, he was a warrior, a general even. Tinsel medals he took for true, a snappy uniform clean and pressed. The ones to be ordered about as is a generals wont proved he was the warrior that long ago child dreamed about. The power he wielded proved he was not powerless. The feeling of command swelled when ever before he had been helpless and commanded. And can we blame him? That he did not see the papers he shuffled were tissue? The orders he gave sprang from shared delusion?

The pride he felt, the purpose that filled him had no foundation but the compulsions of a sick fabulist?

But our drama takes a turn into darker realms. Unlike many caught in the same dream of godhood our guest tonite, head in hands, began to conceive not only of his duty to raise his army up, but to punish who would not be raised, or who deserted. Or whose questions shook the fragile fabric of his faith. To be fair, again, the pattern he began to follow had been laid and well worn long before he walked the path. Many fierce men and women had charged into battle and retribution at the orders of his leader, the source of his world.

He learned from them. He applied his life force and his smarts and all the latent ability he posessed to the war his leader told him he was in. And fought the enemy the leader pointed out. Until he could see the enemy for himself. Until he could invent new weapons and new strategy in a war no one else could see. But that purpose in our guest tonite stepped beyond the hazy twilight between good and evil.

Where the evil men can do is wrapped in the flag of help. Where crimes are justified as necessary. Where lying and intimidation and secret action begins to taste sweet on jaded tongues.

So now we can grasp the force and meaning that filled that once proud head. And the depth of darkness he plumbed to keep it growing. We do not know, really, the years and pain it took at the hands of the diminutive successor to blunt our subject, to banish his pride and purpose. To drive him, divided by loyalty to all he had learned and abuse reminiscent of his youth, to escape. To leave still hoping for salvation while leaving the only salvation he knew behind.

The need to be important remained. The feeling of power and purpose remembered. The pride in a carefully learned system of fantasy still a wall holding back inner darkness. And importantly, the harm he did entangles him still. He escaped the fences and the hole but he cannot escape his deeds.

The deeds in the real world that harmed real people, no matter how he justified. Such admission would crumble the last self respect he holds fast. To really grasp the harm he has done is the way to his true healing, yet all he can see that way is to lose his family and what happiness he has managed to scrape together, leaving him old and bereft.

So, with careful internal dialog and reckless writings and cherry picking of doubtful philosophy he steers past a confrontation with his past. And returns in mind to the glory days of power and cleverness, the feel of purpose and the taste of importance. He, having to have an enemy yet again, speaks out about the evil of his former leaders, still entangled in their traps he once helped fashion. Yet the real facts of the real world continue.

His diminutive former leader has taken up the battle, dealing a war of attrition against the former general, a war that cannot be won. Enter stage right, those who see the harm to others. Those who do not care the justification in breaking laws or how righteous the supposed purpose, where there has been harm consequences follow.

A curious state of suspended justice forms about our player. To admit his crimes under the poison influence of the leaders fantasy and the directions of the small leader may be the way to inner peace, but it is also the way to prison. All too aware the evidence exists, chiefly in the files and testimony of the diminutive leader he now battles. And for his part, that minute personality knows full well the evidence our conflicted warrior can bring, likewise a sure route to a small cell and overly friendly roommate.

So, perhaps the hung head and bent spine of our player, the figure on the stage now makes sense. A deal to forestall a sense of ruined life, a future of close walls, and to stoke the fires of burning cleverness and importance, a hope for a detente. To play again at the game of power, to agree to hold secrets and offer defense if defense and withheld secrets are likewise paid.

And to know, if not admitted, that our subject can no more be trusted than his reflection. The rue that bends his head has come to pass, and he waits. The stage fades to black. We find our somber way home wondering the message. I really cannot take him too much to task for the kind of belief that I once espoused. That I did not recognize as a sham for so many years. But the harm I charge to him full measure. Yet the way you wrote it was from a very understanding, human perspective. Not a black-white conviction.

Thats always been the rub, the motivations and objectives being selfless vs. On a brighter note, I hope all is well for you and your beautiful family.

Mic drops, bounces once and slowly rolls off the stage. Thank you for this thoughtful and elegant post. Yay, I win a gold star! A fit subject indeed, with plenty of that trademark irony. Excellent and definitely provides food for thought and makes more sense than other explanations bandied about. Just leaves me very curious. Unfortunately for them the world is not as simple as that. Yes there is black at one end of a spectrum and white at the other and in between, countless shades of grey.

So when you think you are right, oh so right, about some subject of interest, remember, next week, month, year, you might be horribly wrong. The reed that bends will not break. This comment is not directed specifically at any cult leader, living or dead, member or ex-member. I have yet to find pure white, but there are some black hearts out there. And totally evil motherfuckers.

Yes I was thinking about the shades of grey the other evening. I regret parts I played in Sea Org and what was done to me. Yet the older I become,I am getting in the habit of leaving the door to my mind open just a tad until I know who is on the other side ,instead of slamming it shut against any and all comers as I did when first in Sea Org.

I never want to be the Sea Org definition of make it go right again. It was black hat white hat in the Sea Org and that became part of the trouble with it I feel. I like your comments. It is clear that this is a father in angst. He discusses his life with David, and clearly he loved and still loves his son. Ron is one of the first ex-scientologists who really made me understand the allure of the ideology and how smart people can be sucked into Scientology. I enjoyed the book and found Ron to be very forthcoming with his own issues.

For instance he admits to hitting his wife. Something he is ashamed of. I like the guy. I seriously doubt that Marty read the book. Home About Dianetics Up the Bridge Jefferson Hawkins Jon Atack Lisa McPherson Going Clear The Unbreakable Miss Lovely. You can either make a one-time donation to the site via Paypal SUBSCRIBE TO OUR E-MAIL LIST. Click here to add The Underground Bunker to your RSS Reader. Scientologists talk about Scientology in a video not made for the public.

Something to keep in mind. Learn about Scientology with our numerous series with experts… BLOGGING DIANETICS: Historian Jon Atack discusses key Scientology concepts Other links: September 1st, Category: Would you buy either one from him? A bunch of skits like this with celebs playing themselves https: I have not seen this…will watch it tonight when I get home. Marty is jealous and needs someone to pay attention to him.

I think i am going to listen to David Icke now… Makes more sense! Check all the woo boxes. My son is interested…. Will there be a fantasy league for Inside baseball too or just football for now? Free Minds, Free Hearts. Oh my, take care of yourself! OH Chucky I am sorry. Take good care and shoo the VMs. Storm surges are no fun either.

Enjoy your wine and stew, and be safe. Close to SemHi, not far from the river. I like how you think. Horrible, hope you are okay! Kim you are absolutely hilarious today. Thank you, Hana, for saying this out loud. I hope Marty listens to you with an open heart. I wish I could upvote your post 2, times. There are probably exceptions to that. I am very sorry to have been proved right on this issue.

What is Rathbun really up to? What book by Hannah? I think she is speaking of the Going Clear book by Lawrence Wright. Read it, great read, great film. Hi Tom, you may well be right! You Scien people are really strange. Thank you for your strength and sharing so openly with the us. Are you watching this Holy Hell doc on CNN? Never a stranger on the Bunker Lyn. We are all Strange.

They all look pretty creepy… And not just due to the obnoxious swimwear! Well to my new Darlin, Jennyfurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… Smoochie, woochie, yumyummms, oochie koochies, smoochies to you too! I love these gals here!!!!! I want to come next year! Uh oh…Baby might have some competition!??? Nice pic choice, by the way. I JUST LOVEST MY BABY! Awwwwwwwww Then you need to come around more Lyn. Hugs to you both and THANK YOU for all that you do!

You are both amazing heroes.

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